Briana Ottinger

Aug 26, 20203 min

How to Stop Eating like an a$$hole

Let's cut to the chase, it's time to stop eating like an a$$hole and treating your body like a dumpster.

2020 has been one heck of a dumpster fire, but your body deserves better.

What does eating like an a$$hole mean?

It means eating too much, eating too much processed, fast, fried foods, and not eating enough fruits, veggies & whole grains. I don't expect you to eat healthy all the time, I definitely don't, but if you're having trouble finding that 80-20 balance, OR you do ok during the week and then go wild on the weekends listen up. You can have your bread and eat it too.

Most of the time diets go like this:

You go on a diet. You avoid certain foods, food groups or restrict calories, macros, foods whatever.

You do ok for a bit, maybe a few weeks, a few months or even a few years. You lose weight. You feel great. Your clothes fit and you feel like a sexy goddess.

Then Susan shows up to the BBQ with the best looking cookies/brownies/pasta/bread etc and you're like ok, I'll have a little bit. But it's so good and you haven't had it in ages so you eat way more than you intended. Maybe it stops there....

But what happens when you start eating every brownie, cookie, pasta, french fry in sight for hours/days/weeks on end. Aka you start eating like an a$$hole.

So you beat yourself up, feel guilty, and maybe punish yourself with 1000 hours of cardio or vow to eat nothing but lettuce for a month to keep the pounds off.

Your miserable, mostly because you don't know how you got back here again. You know you don't want to keep dieting, but you also don't know what else to do.

So you probably don't stick with it, don't see results or backtrack and your left feeling like crap. Which makes you want to hop on the next diet/detox train that goes rolling past.

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. HOW MANY TIMES DO WE HAVE TO KEEP DOING THIS TO OURSELVES?! I did this for most of my adult life. It never gets easier and the diets never stick.

SO What does stick?

  • Having the proper exercise routine for YOU, your lifestyle. If you don't LOVE it and it doesn't fit into your lifestyle you're not going to stick with it.

  • Adopting healthy, sustainable eating habits so that you can ditch the BS diets, stop feeling guilty about the way that you eat, and actually stick to it for the foreseeable future - it's possible for you, and I'll show you exactly how to do it.

  • Getting unstuck in your mind, working through your limiting beliefs & finding self-acceptance, building more self-confidence, and finally loving what you see in the mirror.

If only there was a program that could help you do exactly that.

THERE IS! and it's called 8 Weeks to G.R.O.W.T.H. OR as I like to call 8 weeks to stop eating like an a$$hole and start treating your body like a temple. A strong, sexy, energized, confident temple!


What you get:

  • Unlimited access to all live workout classes & replays with the Gem Fit Squad instructors (we currently have 5 instructors and 17 classes over 6 days) — value $194

  • Nutrition coaching (overseen by RD) — value $350

  • An accountability coach (me!) — priceless

  • Live training from guest experts to help you with your workout program, nutrition, lifestyle, and mindset. — value $1200

  • Weekly check-ins — value $350

  • “Prep week” (basically a week to get your shit together so you can have everything set up and ready to go) — value $299

  • Group coaching calls for education, accountability, community, and support — priceless

Total value $2043 (plus the priceless stuff lol)

You get all this for just $499 for 8 weeks. HELLO DEAL.

Registration closes 8/25.


Still not convinced? Lets hop on a call, I'll answer all your questions and give you the honest truth about whether or not it's the right fit for you. Book Discovery Call

Doors close 8/28 so don't wait another second. Join now. Payment plans are available.
