Briana Ottinger

Sep 22, 20222 min

Leg Workout for Home or Gym

Leg day, you either love it or you love to hate it. I fall in both camps, I look forward to it every week and truly love it, but man the next day I love to hate it. Are you team leg day or team no thanks?

Not going to lie, this one may have you walking a little funny the next day, but on the plus side there are no split squats or reverse lunges!

This workout has a bit of an extended warmup, don't skip it, as we're aiming to go low, slow & heavy on back squats. Another thing, don't skip the rest periods, your muscles need it to recover and it'll give you more energy to crush your next set.

Are you ready?!

You’ll need:

HOME: dumbbells

GYM: dumbbells, a barbell or a Smith machine and a leg extension machine. 

This is my personal work out, and may not be appropriate for you. If you need variations, or have questions, please drop them in the comments. 

Warm Up (Home & Gym):

Side Lunge 3 x 12 /side, Perform 12 reps on 1 side before repeating on the other side. No rest between sides, 1 minute rest between sets.

Calf Raise Farmer Walk: 3 x :30s, hold weights by your side or at your shoulders. Imagine you're balancing a glass of water on your head and you don't want to spill it. Small steps, don't let the ankles roll out! you got this. :30 seconds rest between sets

Box Squat: 3 x 3-5 bodyweight or light dumbbell optional. rest 1 minute between sets, this should feel very easy!


• Barbell or Smith Back Squat 4 x 8, rest 2:00

• Barbell Good morning 4 x 10, rest 2:00

• Leg extension 3 x 15-20, rest 1:00

• Barbell or Smith Calf Raise 3 x 20, rest 1:00

Here's a video version for reference!

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Dumbbell Box Squat 4 x 8, rest 2:00

Good morning 4 x 10, rest 2:00

Wall Sit 4 x :30s or Banded Leg Extension 4 x 12

Dumbbell Calf Raise 3 x 20, rest 1:00

Here's a video version for reference (the exercises are in a slightly different order)

Follow me on Instagram

Adjust the sets, reps and rest to meet you where you're currently at! You can do body weight for all of the moves if you're not comfortable adding weights yet. Don’t forget to stretch and cool down after!

This workout is part of my Badass Home & Gym semi-custom monthly coaching program! You'll get 3-6 digital workouts per week, weekly checkins, nutrition & mindfulness tips and more. We're now enrolling for October and you can get started for as little as $75/month with no minimum commitment. Join Now!

Checkin when you're done with this workout & let me know how it goes!


